10350 Bandera Rd. Suite 114, San Antonio, TX78250
Tel: 210-530-1884
Health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being in which disease and infirmity are absent.
Up to 20 years of clinical experience in the field of acupuncture and TCM, expert application of time-tested methods in acupucnture, electrical acupuncture, auricular acupuncture, acupressure, moxibustion, cupping, and herbal therapies in treating pain such as neck pain, shoulder pain, back pain, arthritic pain, and symptoms related to PTSD, stress, depression, fatigue syndrome, insomnia, as well as gastrointestinal issues such as acid reflux, diarrhea, constipation, indigestion, respiratory issues such as cough, asthma, and COPD, infertility, gynecology issues such as abnormal menstruation, PMS, and menopause, neurological issues such as Bell’s palsy, post stroke symptoms, and neuropathy, endocrine issues such as diabetes, PCOS, hypothyroidism, and hyperthyrodisim.